Individuals invested with us in the beginning to see HSC grow from an idea into a fully formed science center, hosting 25,000 annual visitors and executing top-notch educational programs, both at HSC and across our region. We count on annual giving to continue the investment in hands-on and fun science engagement in Northwestern Minnesota. We had awesome support on Give to the Max Day, a statewide day of giving, and we really appreciate your investment in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) for our communities. Please consider making a tax-deductible gift to HSC this year and invest in our future .Gifts of $100 or more are recognized on our donor wall – where HSC grows drop by drop!
We’ve grown a lot since our formal opening in 1994, and now we want your input as we plan for the future. What would you like to experience when visiting Headwaters Science Center? What comes to mind when you think about a science center or museum? Is there something HSC could do more or less of? Those are questions we ask as we celebrate 20 years and look forward to our next decade. A team of students at Bemidji State University is working with me and Richard Roth, an HSC board member, to analyze results from a recent survey where we asked people what they know about us and what they would like to see in the future. Some people indicated they would like to see a new exhibit, for others more programs for adults are a top priority, and for others, later hours are a priority. If you want to add your voice to the conversation, you can access our survey via Survey Monkey using a link on our website - Thank you for investing in Headwaters Science Center!
Susan Joy