With over 25,000 visitations annually, HSC makes a difference in the lives of people. In this place science learning is transformed by alternate ways of thinking about our natural and physical universe.
But. . . .
The cost of running a science center is shocking and we need your financial support to energize our goals. About one-third of our operating income is from donations and gifts - we receive no public funding.
With your donation you will provide the power we need to achieve our mission! Note that you can hard wire your donation by selecting "ongoing payments."
Watt Happens When You Connect?
$1000 - Provides a megawatt of power for science education
$500 - Amps up the potential of science education
$50 - Electrifies HSC programs with 50 watts of power
$25 - Jolts kids to be the next Sir Isaac Newton or Thomas Edison
$10 - Creates a spark to make big things happen
Don't be a resistor, be a transformer and amplify your donation on Nov 13.
Please make a generous contribution to Headwaters Science Center to further the cause of hands-on science education in northern Minnesota.The blue button will take you directly to our secure site for making a quick, easy and safe donation.
Of course, you can always donate anytime online (the donate button works fine for that) or by check or cash.